Fermented foods are becoming more popular by the day as the food and beverages industry continues to grow.
Fermentation is an old food preservation technique. It probably goes way back to the very first existence of humankind, but the earliest record dates 7000 BC-6600 BC. Today fermentation is essential to produce foods, such as yoghurt, cheese, kombucha, sauerkraut, wine, kimchi, and kefir, among other options.
Fermented foods are very delicious and highly nutritious. Some of the health benefits include
- Improving digestive health
- Boosting immunity
- They are easy to digest
- Mental health
- Heart health
- Weight loss
But like everything else, fermented foods are not without challenges.
- First, fermented foods are beneficial to your health, but they can also do just the opposite depending on your handling and eating habits.
- And secondly, there are so many unknowns still under research.
To help you understand, below are a few challenges and trends as per the fermented food market analysis.
Health and Food Safety
Health has been trending since the pandemic and will continue to do so even in the future. The focus is on foods that are highly nutritious and can boost immunity. As such, fruits and vegetables are among the top, most fermented foods in high demand.
When it comes to fermentation, food safety is always a concern. Proper handling is essential to prevent pathogenic contaminants that can cause foodborne illnesses. Some of the safety measures to observe are
- Proper sanitation
- High-quality raw materials
- Maintaining the ideal temperatures and salt concentration
- Using research-based recipe
2. Fermented Alternative Proteins
There was significant growth in the fermented alternative proteins market in 2020, and this year is no exception. There will be more players joining the market as the demand continues to rise. These proteins are affordable and more nutritious than animal-based proteins.
3. Great Concern for the Environment will Lead to Upcycling
The world, in general, is constantly searching for ways to prevent pollution and environmental degradation. And this year, the food industry is at the forefront, with upcycling as the new trend.
The two brands making headlines in the industry right now are
- Toast Ale; a brand that uses waste bread to make beer
- Rise & Win Brewing Co.; a brand that recycles grain scraps to make sweets and granola
Chefs have also been using fermentation to make good use of unused food
4. Dealing With Intolerance to Fermented Foods
Even without contamination, fermented foods are not for everyone.
Most people, in general, are okay with the foods, but then some are just intolerant. The reaction varies from one person to another depending on the type of food or ingredient. So far, there is no way to tell for sure how and why some fermented foods work. The explanations available are not sufficient to provide a standard guide for everyone.
But the subject is still under research, and very soon, we’ll have the answers we need. For now, the best way to deal with fermented food intolerance is to avoid what irritates you.
According to the food market research USA, packaging and labelling will play a critical role in increasing transparency. It will ensure that customers are fully aware of what they purchase.