The industry of gaming has grown up exponentially in a period of about 3 decades and progressed from 4 bit to AR games. This has been possible because of the regular shift in mobile penetration, internet, demographics and the expansion of gaming infrastructure. Globally the average age of gamers is 34 years but half of the total population falls below the age of 30 years. It’s being anticipated that by 2030, 90 percent of the total population will be able to access the internet. Thus there is a prospect that the industry of gaming will prosper magically. To make this possible technologies will indeed have a crucial role in the process. Interactive tools like AR have come into the picture and is playing a pivotal role in transforming the entire user experience towards the gaming spectrum.
Popularity and Future of Augmented Reality.
Multiple market assessments are of the opinion that the gaming space across the globe will be more than 200 billion dollars in value by 2022. You would in fact be excited to know that via mobile platforms almost 55 percent of the gaming revenue is being generated. In the business of gaming AR impacts are gaining prominence. AR based game development services are being customised to meet the aspirations of gamers-avid and casual across the globe. Today’s tech savvy gamers find the contents desirable when blended with augmented reality.
The main concept of AR
is superimposing the visuals generated by the computer on the view of the users’ actual surroundings. This results in delivering a composite view. The best part of AR is that the users cannot distinguish between the imaginary and the real world. This makes the gaming contents realistic and immersive for the players. Hence AR is capable of bringing in the desired changes in the gaming realm without hampering the proposed features and functionalities.
How AR Stands in the Worldwide Gaming Realm
The technology of AR is trending and has a vast potential. Plenty of game developers over the years have utilised AR in multiple ways to come up with diverse gaming apps and make dreams a reality. In this process gamers are experiencing better approaches to communicate with the real world.
The increase in the number of gaming enthusiasts worldwide has made the demands for AR games and software high.
United States, China and Japan currently serve the key demands in this market segment.
How AR is Impacting the Gaming Space
The usage of AR in the gaming arena has made game development all the more competitive. It has brought in revolutionary practises to create trends and establish benchmarks. Game development services created via AR can boost the adrenaline rush of the players to crave for more. The ability of the players to communicate with the gaming objects in their desired ways is indeed incredible. AR games are highly capable of providing interactive solutions to the players and sustain their interest till the end.
AR games highly convenient and efficient
With reciprocal controls, stunning animations and graphics, impeccable art and designs, amazing UI and UX, AR games are enriched in look and feel to stay ahead in the market. Use of cross platform tools have made making AR games highly convenient and efficient. For example if AR games are coded once with Unity, then it can be deployed across platforms and devices to serve players. This reduces complexities and effort in making games unique with enticing performances and representation. AR game development has not only made digital gaming popular but also contributed in capturing the imaginations of the players for repeated playing.
What are the alluring elements of AR in making games desirable and dynamic
Reviving 3D approach
The 3D impressions of AR based games encourage the current generation of tech savvy players to explore more. It offers the scope to experience impressive visuals and lively interaction for accomplishing the objectives. Right from technological benefits to creative brilliance, games developed in AR are far more entertaining in terms of seamless navigation and user experience. Last but not the least, 3D components when customised can ensure utmost satisfaction and flexibility in developing cognitive skills as well.
Captivating experience
AR gaming environments are made in such a way, that the players feel engrossed . The scope to play in their preferred ways is something unique about games being made in this platform. Playing AR games is not only distinctive in terms of performances and engagement but also enables in boosting the adrenaline rush of the gamers.
Creative brilliance
It creats an impressive experience among the targeted gamers. Each asset is vital to make compelling content and ensure an enticing experience. For example, action genre games will have simulated objects and assets which will be distinctive from educational based games. This makes it easy for the developers to serve the players and retain them based on their aspirations.
Game development companies working with AR technology have gained popularity because of their abilities to deliver impeccable solutions in a customised way. As games entertain people of all ages, AR based gaming has brought in the much needed transformation in this segment. Educational based games are trending these days.
Do you have a creative game development idea? Are you planning to make it playable? Make the best use of AR concepts in your development process and experience its benefits to influence the playing habits. Well this post can give you some ideas about AR implications in today’s game development. So based on your requirements, you need to apply it to achieve business goals. Making the brand visible in the minds of the gamers globally.
If you are still in doubt, then the following questions can make the subject easy.
Question: Why will you invest in AR game development?
Answer: First of all AR is a trending and an interactive technology which can make your gaming apps unique and appealing. Secondly, it has the power to create an imaginary world without eliminating the real surrounding. Now imagine if you are playing your favourite games and feel like you are doing it in real time. Won’t it be fascinating? The prospect of making games along with its final impact on the end users. It will determine whether you will opt for the trending solutions or stick to the conventional models.
Question: What makes AR games distinguished from others?
Answer: Reciprocal controls, interactive animations and graphics, stunning UI/UX are some of the aspects which can indeed increase attraction and improve retention of the gamers. Thus, games developed with AR are capable to engage players more via the ability to interact and progress.