With the changing lifestyle patterns and increased stress, the risk of cardiovascular diseases has increased in the population. The risks are seen more in the middle age group than any other. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have in handy the best heart hospitals in Delhi to save our near and dear ones or even to diagnose the risk factor at the earliest and prevent the unfortunate demise.
Risk Factors of Heart Diseases
- Age
Increasing age is directly proportional to increasing risks of getting a heart disease. This is because, with increasing age, changes occur in blood vessels and the heart. Gradually, blood vessels become narrow, increasing the chances of hypertension.
- Sex
Women are at a lower risk of heart diseases as compared to men. This is because estrogen provides women protection against heart disease. However, if women have diabetes, it raises the risk factor of contracting any cardiovascular disease.
- Ethnicity
Certain ethnic groups are more prone to heart diseases. For example, African Americans are more prone compared to Whites.
- Family history
This is a major contributing factor. You have more chances of getting heart disease if it runs in your family. One may inherit it from their mother or father. Hence, if you have heart disease in your family history, you should take extra precautions to keep yourself safe.
- Lifestyle
Having a sedentary lifestyle, such as not exercising, consuming an unhealthy diet, a fat-rich diet, alcohol, or smoking, increases the risk of heart disease and also further deteriorates the condition.
- Stress
The main cause of increased deaths in the middle age group due to heart disease is because of increased stress. We forget in our day-to-day hustle to relax, to take life as it comes rather, we are more stressed regarding the future. This increases our heart rate, blood pressure, etc., and damages the heart.
How to decrease the risk of heart disease?
Fortunately, some factors mentioned above are in our control, and we can lower our risk of heart disease despite having a family history for same.
- Check on Cholesterol and triglycerides level
Increased cholesterol levels clog our arteries, raise blood pressure, and increase the risk of heart disease as the heart has to put more pressure to circulate the same amount of blood through the body.
- Maintaining healthy weight
Obesity or abnormal BMI is the major cause that increases the risk of any disease. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body weight is always a good idea to protect yourself.
- Healthy diet
Limit your consumption of saturated fats, added sugar, junk food, high sodium diet. Rather consume DASH diet that is the diet rich in fruits and vegetables. It will help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and decrease the risks of heart problems.
- Exercise
It strengthens your heart and improves your blood circulation. Middle age groups are advised to do a high-intensity interval training workout, while the elder population can try brisk walking and yoga.
- Limit Alcohol
Alcohol is proven to increase blood pressure and add extra calories, increasing obesity and other heart diseases. The average alcohol consumption should not go beyond two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women.
- Quit smoking
Smokers are at a higher risk of heart diseases compared to non-smokers. Nicotine which is present in cigarettes constricts the blood vessels and increases the risk of heart diseases.
- Manage stress
Stress acts as a trigger for heart diseases as it increases blood pressure. The common millennial trends to deal with stress like smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating further aggravates the heart condition. To deal with the stress, we can exercise, listen to music or meditate.
- Manage diabetes
Diabetes and high BP are interrelated as one aggravates the other. High blood sugar level cause damage to your blood vessels and nerves of the heart, so it is essential to manage or keep your sugar levels in check.
- Sleep
Sleep, obesity, stress, high blood pressure – all are interrelated. An adult must sleep at least 7-8 hours a day to be healthy and fit enough for the next day’s task. Not getting enough sleep decreases our chances to handle stress well and further aggravates blood pressure and heart problems.
However, sometimes we are a little too late for the preventive measures. We then have to follow remedial measures and look for the best heart hospitals in Delhi. In order to save a life in case of stroke or CVD, the best options available are getting cardiac surgery in Delhi like coronary artery bypass grafting, heart valve repair, or replacement. We need a trusted group of cardiac specialists and surgeons for such major processes. However, it is always better to take precautions. If you face any difficulty or experience any symptom that might indicate heart disease, it is best to visit the best heart hospitals in Delhi to get the necessary treatment. Ignoring symptoms may lead to serious consequences, and you may end up requiring cardiac surgery in Delhi. Therefore, eat well, stay healthy, exercise regularly and avoid the risks of developing a heart problem as much as possible.