Memory foam mattresses and their hybrid offspring are the most popular alternatives to standard innerspring bed sets. To many, though, these soft and supportive best queen mattresses are the new kid on the block: unproven, superfluous, and simply another fad that will be quickly replaced by a bigger fad.
In reality, memory foam mattresses are currently in their third decade of high sales. And sales are just increasing. Memory foam is gradually taking over more floor space in mattress stores, and new foam-focused businesses are emerging every month.
Nonetheless, some mattress buyers are still skeptical. People like to cling to what they know best. It’s just human nature. Many customers are familiar with innerspring mattresses purchased from a local department store. Their existing bed may have provided them with 25 years of dependable service. How can you compete with that? Memory foam would have been a rare find for such customers the last time they purchased a new mattress. And if they’ve heard testimonials, odds are they’re thinking about old stories from a field that has expanded enormously in quality and subtlety in just the last five years.
As a result, this is an excellent moment to recalibrate expectations. We’ve listed the most crucial elements for those who haven’t yet examined the benefits of memory foam mattress foundation. Let’s get started.
Continual Spinal Health
Back discomfort is one of the most common reasons individuals miss sleep or contemplate replacing their mattresses. A bad mattress can frequently contribute to a disturbed night’s sleep. More significantly, it sets the stage for a lengthy and sluggish day. Whether you’re tossing and turning due to insufficient lumbar support or waking up with a painful back, an unsuitable mattress makes sleeping difficult.
So Why Should I Think About Anything Other Than A Sturdy Spring Mattress?
One of the physics’s counter-intuitive truths is that when you press down on a surface, the surface presses back against you. Anyone who has laid down on the cushioned metal bars of a pull-out sofa will understand this. Spring mattresses have a fundamental disadvantage in that they cannot provide long-term, uniform support over the sleep surface. This is because the springs provide additional resistance just beneath the sleeper. As a result, portions of the back not directly supported by a spring will receive less support. Manufacturers try to compensate for this by using various spring strengths in different parts of the mattress, but sleep sensitivities vary so widely among people that it makes little difference beyond the sales pitch.
Memory Foam Provides More Stable Support.
Memory foam supports all portions of the sleeper’s body that touch the bed surface evenly. Because of the physical nature of memory foam cells, this support remains stable throughout time.
Because of the physical nature of memory foam cells, this support remains steady throughout time. It does not wear out like a coiled spring. This is another reason why memory foam spinal support lasts longer.
Consistent And Effective Motion Isolation
Have you ever been awakened by your lover turning over or getting out of bed? Even minor movement on an innerspring mattress can disrupt your rest, depending on what part of the sleep cycle you’re in or if you’re simply a light sleeper. Motion is transferred via springs. Traditional mattress manufacturers have made strides in recent years to address this issue by better isolating spring networks, but memory foam mattresses continue to be significantly superior at absorbing motion.
Every mattress evaluated on this site includes a comparison of its motion isolation rating to comparable mattresses. The stronger the motion isolation, the less motion transmission, and the higher the score.